Monthly Archives: March, 2015

Can You Explain This?

The other night, we sat down to watch a DVD from Netflix. Can’t remember the title. While the beginning credits were rolling, the following thoughts rolled through my head: Hmmm, this is rated R for violence and language. I remember that when I was younger, films weren’t rated at all. In fact, I remember one …

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The Cricket Pages


Where Westport meets the world

Seeking Delphi™

The Future Lives Here

Linda Vernon Humor

Stylistically Abusing Language for the Betterment of Mankind

Terribly Write

Terrible Writing on the Web. And Writing Terribly Well for the Web

(A)Musings by Arlene

Interesting Thoughts to Ponder........

Mostly Bright Ideas

Some of these thoughts may make sense. But don't count on it.

The Millennium Conjectures™

A Blog of the Ridiculous and Sublime, by Mark Sackler